Monday, January 12, 2009

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Valentine Images Anthropomorphic So Cute

Anthropomorphic are inanimate figures that take on
the characteristics of humans. I find them very whimsical.

Monday, January 5, 2009

Chirstmas barely over and now it's time for cupid

Well, Christmas is over, 2009 is here and already the stores have Valentine's displays up. I just wish they would give us a breather. I was at Cracker Barrel in Joplin MO this A M and not only did they have Valentine's Day stuff but Easter too.

I will be heading home to Tucson AZ on Wednesday to some nice 70 degree temps. Nice relief from the cold in Joplin.

But I thought I would post some cool vintage Valentine's day images and great recipes over the next few days.

I searched the net and found lots of very cool, vintage Valentine's Day cards and postcards. Hope you enjoy them.

The ones I'm listing today are relevant to my life in some way

This monkey grinder is because I'm Italian.

I worked for the telephone company in the late 60's and own a bird, this one is great.

I live in Arizona and this one fit the bill. From the 1960's.

and I owned painting company here's another one that I just had to post. This one is from the 1930's.

My Dad was in the Navy in WWII so this is to honor him.